by Kristi Nason | Jun 30, 2018 | Goal Setting, Wellness
Find your calm Make your life a Priority The Sunday Planning Method The 6-part planning session Make Calm, Connected & Clear a Priority for yourself and for the people you love Is your daily busy-ness moving you in the right direction? Do you get to the end of...
by Kristi Nason | Jan 13, 2018 | Goal Setting
Set yourself up for success next week. Set aside some time at the end of this week for review and planning. Starting this planning session with your yoga and meditation practices will settle your body and mind. Include your affirmation, intention and gratitude along...
by PY Admin | Dec 30, 2017 | Goal Setting, Pre-Quest, Quest
Think of your goal as a destination… Choose the destination and know your WHYs A clear set of WHYS will remind you to stay on course. What are your “Whys”? Some will tell you that if your goal is for someone else you won’t reach it, but that...
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